Aaron Ding (TU Delft), Suzan Bayhan (University of Twente), Andy Pimentel (University of Amsterdam), Nirvana Meratnia (TU Eindhoven) and Jan S. Rellermeyer (University of Hannover) co-organized a Lorentz workshop on Future Computing in Leiden, NL. As Rellermeyer summarized: “we were able to bring together a high-caliber group of experts from all over the world and discuss concrete technical challenges, opportunities, and societal issues of the future edge and cloud computing continuum, especially in the context of edge intelligence. We look back at an entire week of very fruitful work, a bit exhausted but extremely empowered to build a community around these emerging topics.” There are several follow-up activities initiated such as the creation of joint educational material, the identification of impactful PhD topics, as well as collaborations and joint publications. We would like to thank all participants for the energy and the enthusiasm and hope to continue the momentum in the coming months.